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Showing posts from April, 2020

Four Reasons Now May Be The Time For Buying New Cars

Buying a car is not an overnight decision. It’s not just walking into the H&M store and picking your t-shirt to be worn the next morning. It is definitely a lot more than that because of the huge amount involved in the transaction and the monthly instalments which will make you cut down on some of the expenditures you have been incurring presently. Apart from your financial thermometer, the current siltation in the market is also an important determinant in defining what can be called the perfect timing for buying a new car. The entire world is fighting against COVID-19 and in a situation like this if you think about buying home a new car you might land in some good deals. Capitalizing on the situation and making the most of it defines the abilities of an excellent customer. So let’s read why buying a car now is the right time: 1.       The gap between supply and demand : As such the skewed demand by the customers has resulted in a huge supply of stock lying unused in mo